Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rejoicing in heaven

I have so many things to blog about in from the last 2 weeks of being MIA in my blog world...but that will wait...maybe I'll back blog or maybe I won't...but today deserves blogging about...

As a Christian school teacher I pray daily for my students...especially for those who need salvation...

One issue that keeps creeping up in our school this year is LYING.  More than one time we've sat them all down and explained that lying is sin and that God hates lying, but over and over again it keeps happening.  Last week I was really discouraged about I really gonna get through to in particular...that's when it hit me(thanks to a gentle reminder from a dear friend) can I help her understand NOT to sin...if she isn't free from her sin and doesn't have the Holy Spirit to help her...Satan is still in control of her I started praying specifically that God would give me the opportunity to share the plan of salvation and that she would see her need.

So today...I had to deal with 2 students right away with sin issues...and today I took a different approach...the HEART...not the outward issue.

So...I prayed that God would give me wisdom and clarity and the words to say.  That I would be clear in my presentation of the Gospel and that one in particular would see her need for salvation.

On break time I sat her down and talked to her.  First we talked about sin...what is sin...who sins...etc...we looked at Romans 3:23 which states "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

We also talked about "The wages (payment) of sin is DEATH..."

Thankfully that verse doesn't stop there..."but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

We talked about Jesus dying on the cross to pay HER penalty for sin.  And that he was willing to pay her "wage."

Funny part of the serious story -
     I wanted to give her the illustration for receiving a gift.  I held an item in my hand and said, "This is a gift for you.  Do you want it?"  To my shock she said, "NO!"  I said, "Why not?"  She said, "Because I already have one of those, Mrs. Gerhardt gave me one yesterday."  I just about lost it :)!  So alright...NEW about I put a quarter in my hand and asked if she wanted it...she said yes...but didn't take there it sat in my hand.  I said, is YOURS...but you have to take it.  So she took it.  I said, who's is it...which she responded "mine."  EXACTLY...I offered you a gift and you took it and now it's yours.  Then I explained that God's gift to her was eternal life...but she had to accept that gift...the wheels were turning...and she started crying and just looked at me...I asked her if this made sense and she said yes.  So I explained a little farther.  I asked her if she really understood and if she wanted to accept God's gift and she did!!!  

HALLELUJAH!!  Matthew 15:10 "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents."  The angels are rejoicing today in the fact that Shayla is now part of God's eternal family!!!  And I'm rejoicing, too!

So thankful that God gave me the opportunity to help win this soul for Him!!
God is good!!!

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