Friday, August 31, 2012

B Turns 2

Today my little nanny guy turned 2!  He totally didn't know what birthday meant, but he knew it was his birthday and kept repeating it over and over.  He definitely turned into Mr. Independent!  He HAD to dress himself...although I did turn his shorts around before taking him in public.  He also was SURE he had to buckle his own car seat.  Sorry, buddy, but a 5pt. harness is a little hard even at two.  So cute!  We had an early lunch and then went to Dairy Queen for ice cream.  After that we went to the park where he enjoyed the swing for a LONG time!  Here are a few pictures from our day!  Happy birthday, B!  Kayla loves you so much and I'm so glad to be a part of your every day life!

Hello and Goodbye

Last night was a night of many emotions for me...

Hello, Keilley!!  I was able to go out with one of my dear friends who is serving the Lord in Mexico.  I haven't seen her in a few months and I miss just getting to talk to her.  We went out for coffee and just chatted and chatted and chatted.  The people at the coffee shop finally had to tell us they were closing.  So we went back to her house and we sat in the car and talked some more.  The best part of the evening was praying together before we went inside!  For those of you who don't regularly pray with other're missing an amazing blessing.  I love praying with others.  So thankful that God gives us friends that aren't surface friends.  They care about our hearts and not just the every day surface stuff.  Just thankful for a sweet time of fellowship and the joy that it brought to my heart.

Goodbye, Mikayla!  After my sweet time with Keilley I headed to the house of one of my "little sister's"!  Mikayla was leaving for college this AM and I had to tell her goodbye.  For those of you who know me...I hate goodbyes.  I don't like change.  I love being with the people I love and I don't like miles and days to separate me from them!  We sat on the porch and just chatted (seems to be a theme of my night)!  We talked about fears of the unknown, classes, roommates, etc.  I told her that my 4 years of college were the best 4 years of my life and that she was going to LOVE it!  I reminded her to always chose to love and serve Jesus with all her heart for all her days and that even at a Christian college...she still had to take this stand!

So that was my evening in a nut shell...hello, sweet friend...goodbye, sweet sister!  At least I got a hello, too! :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lovin' Life

So many people have asked me recently how I am, what I'm doing, etc.  So I thought setting up a blog would be fun!  I enjoy creative things, so I think this will really be fun!

How am I?
    I am doing well.  God's grace gets me through the ups and downs of normal life, but for the most part I am happy, healthy, and lovin' life!

What am I doing this year?
     I am currently teaching at Calvary Baptist Academy.  This is the school I graduated from.  I have 5 girls this year and we are off to a good start.
     I also nanny for 3 wonderful boys 5 days a week.  For the sake of the blog we will call them D, Q, and B!  D is 9 and getting ready for school so start - 4th grade.  Hardly seems possible! Q is 4 and learning lots of new things.  He has almost mastered all his letters and numbers this summer.  And B - sweet B - is turning two tomorrow!  He is fun-loving and loves to be held, read to, played with, and just loves life.
     I also am tutoring this fall.  Currently I will have 2 returning students and am praying for more!
     Busy?  Yes, but I love it!  I am impacting young kids for the cause of Christ!

     Another thing I love is being with my parents and helping in their church.  Ministry is stressful, but I just have to remind myself that it is totally worth rewards are eternal and that in the end, God the righteous judge will hold people accountable to their actions.  As long as I keep that focus, I love it!
     I also live close to my twin sister and her husband and their sweeties!  They have 2 littles -J and K- and 1 more on the way!  I love being able to spend tons of time with her kids.  They are my pride and joy!  They always YELL my name and smother me with hugs and kisses every time I walk through the door.  They are super fun and growing each day.  Just a few more weeks and baby 3 will be here...and I'll get my baby fix yet again!

     I am doing a Bible study with a dear heart friend and I love it!

My latest thing I'm waiting for is to head to Nebraska to care for 4 of my sister's kids while she and her husband go to Korea to get their baby girl, Lyv!  Please pray for that situation.  Currently it is on hold until paperwork is all sorted out.  God knows and we trust Him...but we want our girl home to her forever family!

There's my current life in a nut shell!  I'm sure there's lots more, but that will wait for another day!