Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meet the Halls

Julie and Randy ~ Julie has been my "sister" ever since I can remember.  Her family would live with us when home on furlough from their mission fields.  She and her sister became like other sisters to us...something I loved!  One can never have enough sisters you know!  Julie married Randy Hall and they now have 5 beautiful children.

Ryan ~  Oh, Ryan has stolen my heart since the first day I held him...he was so tiny...and skin tinged yellow from problems...but oh man...what a doll!  Ryan now steals my heart with his sweetness...he has so much joy and love and he can talk your ear off!  Boy...I never knew so much about R2D2 in my life!

Kendra ~ Ah...cutie little blondie Kendra!  Kendra is the spunky one in the family!  I love her smile and watching her interact with the others.  She was very excited to tell me about her action figures...which I had never even heard of...

Haylee ~ Haylee's looks are carbon copy of her big sister...but her personality is totally her own!  She is little miss petite and I love her!  She was very happy to let me braid her hair and help her get all pretty for church last time I stayed there!

Sweet Taylor ~ Taylor what a doll baby!  Full of so much happiness even while going through such a big struggle in her life.  Taylor was diagnosed with Stage 3 Neuroblastoma earlier this year.  She has had more chemo, surgeries, blood tests, pokes, and scans than most people in their adult years have.  Yet, this little girl still lights up the room with her smile.  Thousands of people world wide are praying for God's hand of healing on her.  We have seen it...Taylor has come through HORRIBLE Chemo...and very risky surgeries...and truly we know that is all God!  Taylor is about to undergo Stem Cell Transplant and another round of HORRIBLE Chemo...basically it seems like they will take the life out of this little one...and then give it back...Please please please pray for God's hand of protection on her as she goes through this.

Jeremiah Trust ~ Jeremiah was born shortly after Taylor was diagnosed with her cancer.  His middle name simply shows where their family was at that time...simply trusting in God's perfect plan.  Jeremiah started out in the NICU...but was soon home with his family.  And let me tell you...he is Taylor's baby...she LOVES LOVES LOVES him!

Please pray for this family in the weeks to come!  They will be going through so many things.  Pray for Julie and Randy as they hand over their sweet Taylor once again...trusting only in the God of the Bible to pull her through what seems impossible.  Pray for Taylor's little body to be able to endure...pray for her siblings as their world is turned upside-down.  Pray for the rest of the family...that they would find joy, peace, and strength in God alone!

This family has truly been a testimony of God's grace and strength!  They have been used by God in the lives of many others.  Julie currently wears the bands of many cancer kids...each one she's been able to minister to their moms in a way that only she can because of what Tay is going through.  Julie and Randy's faith in God is amazing.  Are they scared?  Yes, they are.  Are they unsure of the future...sure...but they know and trust in the One Who holds their precious Taylor and loves her more than they do!

I love this family so very much!  As much as if we were truly family...and that's because we are!  We are God's family!  Thank you so very much on behalf of the Hall family!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kayla,
    Tears are streaming down my cheeks! What a blessing you are to our family, too. So thankful for God putting our families together so many, many years ago. Precious families that we love! When one hurts the other does!! Thank you for praying, loving and encouraging us!!
    Love, Irene
