So thankful that I've gotten to see some very dear friends in the last few weeks. Ones that I don't see often, but am always blessed when I do!
Sarah was my roommate/colleague when I taught in Rochester, MN! Boy do we have lots of crazy memories! She put up with me even at my worst point in life...and for that I am very grateful! It was fun to get to spend time with her as we cheered on our Cougar Basketball!
Mary was another friend from Rochester! She was the secretary where I taught...she was always my sanity when my little preschoolers were making me ready to pull my hair out! So thankful that our rooms were across the hall from each other! Love her!!
Anna has been a precious heart friend since high school! We have so many fun memories! Thankful to have had her by my side when walking through some rough things throughout the last 13 years! Anna truly challenges me in my walk with Christ and for that I am eternally grateful! Love her so very much...and her littles, too!
Michelle...ah...sweet Michelle! Michelle has a special place in my heart for many reasons! a high-schooler most people didn't understand what it was like to be a Pastor's Kid...but Michelle did. She understood what all came with that. She also was the one I went to when struggling with spiritual things...and she constantly turned me back to Scripture. Still to this day I think of her when I read lots of verses because she is the one who used them at just the right time in my life. So thankful that although many years later we are still close and share each others joys and struggles. Love this girl!!!
Christy ~ For the first 10 years of knowing this precious lady I knew her has Mrs. Trout...but now..."since we're both adults" I call her Christy...although it's still weird to me. I met her when her school attended convention with us when I was in high school. She encouraged me when I was facing health issues many years ago. She has been a source of encouragement to me for all these years through so many different things. I love random e-mails and our Panera dates! God has truly blessed my life with this mentor/friend! Truly a blessing to my life!
Candace...yet another convention friend! Such a blessing! We may not talk for months...but picking up is never hard. I love our Perkins dates after Convention! Her faithfulness to God and active spirit in her church are a huge encouragement to me.
Sarah~ Sarah has been my "little sister" for a VERY LONG TIME! We have gone through many tough situations together and each time we encourage each other to depend on God and trust Him...even if we don't understand. I love that we are still close no matter how long it is in between seeing each other! She has blessed my life just by being in it! Love her so very much!
I am one blessed girl!
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